The Regional Direction of trade in liaison with the central structures of the ministry of trade has for missions to attend and asses the activities of the directions of the wilayas trade within in territorial jurisdiction and to organize and or to perform all economic investigations relating to competitions to the external trade to the quality the protection of consumers and the safety of products.
Has this title, it is loaded:
-To animate, to attend to coordinate and assess the activities of the directions of wilaya and external services of relevant agencies of the trade sector.
-To prepare in relationship with the central government and the directions of the wilayas trade, the control programs and to ensure that their implementation.
-To plan organize and coordinate operations inter-wilayas of control and inspection.
-To engage, if need be ,in territorial jurisdiction, all specialized investigations under the content ,to commercial practices, to my quality ,to the protection of the consumer and the safety of products.
-To initiate missions of the inspection service of the directions of the wilayas trade within in territorial jurisdiction.
-To perform all studies, analyzes and conditions of notes relating to the field of competence.
Flowchart of the Regional Direction of trade –BECHAR-