Laboratory quality control  


Scientific brochures  

Survey of prices
Means of the prices on the markets of wilaya
Beware of food poisoning

Présentation of the Trade Directorate of Naama:

The direction of the trade of the wilaya of Naama  is a structure which is part of the services external of the ministry for the trade, having for missions of implementing the national policy stopped in the fields foreign trade, competition, quality, organization of the marketing activities and the regulated professions, economic control and the repression of the frauds.


The direction of the trade of Naama is at Naama, usable surface is 1200 m2 (DCW +Functional housing+the current) composed of 29 offices , and 2 inspections on the level of will daïras of Ain -sefra and Mecheria.




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© Trade Directorate of the mandate -Naama-